Top 5 Netball Shooting Drills

Netball Shooting DrillsLe'ts face it:

Scoring is definitely very important to score to claim an Overwhelming win in every netball game and I think you will agree with me when I say that good and accurate shooting is the main goal when it comes to scoring.

You're probably wondering right now:

What are the Best Netball Shooting Drills?

Trust me when I say:

You don't have to worry a bit because here's 5 of the Bets Netball Shooting Drills that will definitely make you a top-notch ball shooter:

Solo Practice and be your own master

Alone you can practice this shooting technique and all you need is your Netball ball and post. Start getting yourself ready for shooting by taking a good position facing the goal than with the ball softly in your hands and with your shooting hand while the second hand supporting it without applying any unpleasant pressure. Focus on target move the ball slightly above your head with your arms and wrists bending over, your elbow slowly lining up with your ears and your knee also bending in one slight motion go for your shot by ending it with a flick of your shooting to get the best out of your shoot.

A Shooter & Feeder

Two players based drill, one shooter and another player as a feeder with the help of a ball, a post, and 10 cones. The shooter goes for a shoot from each cone (A successful shoot must be done to move to the next) after a shot is performed a second player which plays the feeder must collect the ball.
This Technique aims to get the top accuracy in best shooting time so it's preferred a timer is used with this shooting drill.

Weave and Shoot

Set two parallel lines consisted of 5 cones facing the post with the ball placed at the end of each line and split the players into two teams. One player from each side must weave around the cones, picks the ball and perform a clean shot then he must collect the ball for the next player in the role. This exercise improves both accuracy and time taken to perform a good shot.

10 Passes

This is performed with three attackers and two Shooters stand within the shooting area. With the attackers starting at the transverse line and do five passes between them until the shooters get it which lead to another five passes before the shot.

Dodge, Shoot, and Rebound

This is one of the best and toughest drills with Three players (Passer, Shooter and Defender) the shooter inside the circle with a defender must dodge him to successfully receive the ball from the passer standing outside the circle and 5 passes must be performed to get the defender to rebound and move outside the circle to become a feeder.

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